These last couple of months have been a real roller coaster! We have been yoyo-ing from lockdown to Tier 3, and finally now to Tier 4. Whilst these changes have caused some anxiety and caused us to make some changes to how we train with our guys, we are still committing to pushing them to be the best version of themselves possible, whether training has to be in their home or elsewhere. 

We are looking forward to introducing new trainees onto the training programme very soon, which is exciting as it gives our trainers a chance to work with somebody else, and help equip new people with the skills needed to reach their fullest potential. 

We are also well underway with a part of our training programme called our ‘end of month reviews’. Each month we gather with our trainee and review their month - we look at progress made, any moments they have had to push themselves, any challenges which have made progressing trickier and anything they’d like to achieve by next month. This really helps our trainees to reflect on the month gone, and to focus on the month ahead. As we want to promote progress as something to celebrate, we always end with a coffee and cake from a local cafe!