Update From The Anchor For March 2022

Working With Trainees To Grow Towards Outcomes
The Anchor has been helping the people on our programme to figure out what may be holding them back from growth and have been helping them troubleshoot these areas with the support, care and encouragement from The Anchor Team.

The Anchor Programme And What We Do
Our programme works with somebody for a year and seeks to help the 'trainees' on it to improve their motivation, their independence, links to community, healthy relationships and ultimately would love people to be finding something to contribute that is meaningful in their life.

We also now have capacity on our programme to accept new referrals!

We run Panel meetings once a month where we assess the referrals which have come through. We have grown a strong team to support these individuals and hope to be able to help whoever really needs the support of The Anchor.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for our Mental Health newsletter, then please get in touch with a member of our team.