Support at The Cavern provides face-to-face listening support, low level interventions such as board games and adult colouring, inclusive activities and offers a supportive environment. Utilising The Cavern coffee shop and The Studio, there is a space suitable for everyone. 

We help people feel less isolated, cope with anxiety, meet new people and provide support at a time of day when little low level or early intervention support is available from the statutory services. 

We are funded by Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group for this service and we work closely with the wide range of statutory mental health and emergency services to ensure a joined up approach. 

Our service is open between 6pm-11pm 365 days a year.

We currently have 1362 people signed up to access our Adult service and last month we had a total of 947 people come to see us, with almost 10% presenting in crisis or on the verge of crisis. We were able to manage these numbers with only 5 people needing to be referred on to statutory services.

We are also now operating a Youth Support aimed at young people aged 14 to 25 from 5pm to 10pm, 365 days a year. We will update the numbers accessing this service as time goes on. It is very much in its infancy at the moment but we are very excited to be able to offer our Support service to a younger demographic.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about our service please contact the Support at The Cavern Lead, Pam Evans via [email protected]