Change to our opening hours

On Monday 23rd January The Cavern will be closed until 4pm to give our staff the chance to attend the company wide Vision Day. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this later opening time.

The Cavern staff training day

At the start of January we had a fantastic team day where we were casting vision, delivering training, discussing Cavern operations and how to improve our volunteer programme and just generally appreciating our wonderful team!  

Promoting Kindness

Throughout January we have been promoting #BeKind and we're tackling challenging behaviours by asking whether the behaviour is kind. We've also been posting encouraging and thoughtful quotes and photos to our social media pages.



Join us for breakfast or lunch!

We offer a wide range of food served between 10am-2.15pm on Mondays, 10am-3pm Tuesdays to Saturdays and 12pm-3.30pm on Sundays. 

Come and enjoy a roast dinner, sponge pudding and tap drink for just £8!


Or join us for breakfast - we serve everything from a full English (including vegan or children's option) to poached eggs on toast. 


For lunch you could choose something lighter like a wrap or a vegan sausage sandwich, or go for something a bit more filling like curry and chips or sausage and mash. Come and join us - we have something for everyone!